Tuesday, July 24, 2007

1 Year Old!

Well its amazing how fast time flies but he's already 1 year old. Mommy looks so proud, and what a handsome man he's becoming. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 

Friday, June 29, 2007

approaching a year!

Well I was finally able to squeeze more pictures out of mommy of this little, or not so little one. He's growing up so fast, especially when you dont see that many pictures (hinthint) What a cutie!! He's going to be a heartbreaker with those eyelashes.

Saturday, February 10, 2007


from his mothers email... "So [HE} woke up this morning and decided it was time..

To CRAWL!!!!
Pictures are in succession of movement."

Way to go!!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

holiday pictures

A few pictures from Tammi from the holidays...

Thursday, December 21, 2006


His first impression of eating pureed carrots...

And the second impression....

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Baby's first christmas

Tammi sent me the cutest picture I have to share with everyone. Here is this little boy's first visit to santa. He looks like a doll, and with all the hair!! Also, compare a picture of Tammi at the same age. I dunno I think he looks like her what do you think?

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

November 20th

Straight from Mommys email on November 20th... "Okay, so today was a big day! Yay! I know its small beans to us, but its major work for him...he ROLLED OVER today!!!! I am so excited! Here are some pics from this morning and this evening, no pictures of the big event though... :-("

Thats a great little golf outfit, shoes and all. Hope everyone has a fantastic thanksgiving!!